Sunday, May 30, 2010
You Are My Mate for Life

All The Pieces Together...Form a Family

Meet Me in St. Louis!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
5 Strand Cord

The 3 Musketeers

Red, White and Black Haute Couture

The Boldness of a Strong Family

Monday, December 14, 2009
Brown Eyed Girl

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Shades of Black, White & Grey

Friday, December 11, 2009
Belles and Gents of the Bell Ball

To have a proper ball, you must have ladies and gentlemen. This family could certainly have their own ball! With beauty and grace, they swept into the room and oddly, there was little to no chaos involved. They each were happy to pose for me: individuals, couples, sisters, moms and children, dad and the girls, grandparents with all the grandkids. They were so fun to Foto! With a group like this, there's bound to be a lot going on. I was lucky enough to have time with my friend and her daughter before everyone else arrived. This resulted in some very nice individual Fotos and some Fotos that I hope my friend will be able to enjoy of herself and her daughter for many years to come. I had only been asking to Foto them for quite a few months but it never seemed to work out. Thankfully, this time it worked out for everyone in my friend's family. From what I understand, my friend's mother has been asking for a family foto for the past couple years. I was so happy to be able to make this a reality for her. The adorable new baby was only 2 months old at the time these Fotos were taken. What better time to have a family foto done?!? These Fotos have created immortal moments in time for this family. It really touches my heart that I am the one they chose to capture these memories for them. And I'm grateful to my friend for giving me the opportunity to meet her family and to give her mom a very dear gift that she has been asking for. Maybe next year, when they take their annual beach trip, I'll be able to take a day trip to do some more fotoing for them. Until then, I'm happy to have been invited to the Bell Ball.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
3 Little Angel Belles

They say that every time a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings. These 3 belles don't ring but they certainly do shine. They bring to mind the song "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music. Even without the white dresses and pink satin sashes, these 3 embody the beauty of childhood. Such precious faces with precocious smiles and actions. To find 3 such lovely faces within the same family is more than most photographers could wish for. I wanted to foto them as much as possible. Their smiles, their features, their love for life in their innocent worlds. These are the types of faces that men and women fight every day for...the soldiers who fight for our freedoms. Children...beloved by Jesus, held close by their families and loved by those who are able to be in their midst. It makes me remember how magical the holiday season was when I was young. How the days from Thanksgiving to Christmas seemed to drag by. Cutting each colored construction paper ring for each day gone by until you reached the star or bell that told you that Christmas Day was there. Going to bed on Christmas Eve in a sea of excitement for the amazement of Christmas morning. Of falling asleep in my bed watching the outside Christmas lights blinking on my ceiling and walls...the outside lights that my Dad painstakingly hung every single year past and still does. A lifetime of memories made magical by my mom & dad each Christmas season. Of the sparkling snow in New York as we walked into church on dark Saturday nights. The smell of a real pine Christmas tree covered in colorful lights and handmade ornaments from school and Girl Scouts...added to each year. I still have some of the ones that my once tiny hands made from Popsicle sticks, paint, glitter and glue. Reindeer made from clothespins. The paper plate with construction paper and my Kindergarten school photograph. All of these things crowded my head as I watched these 3 belles gather at the window when an adult told them to look for Santa. I wished for a moment that I was still so young and counting the slow days until Christmas. And then, I heard their laughter...sounding like the tinkling of silver bells.
Giggles from Angels

When was the last time something made you giggle? Was it a funny joke? A uTube video? A movie comedy? When was the last time you really felt that giggle come from deep within because you were so happy about something that you couldn't keep it inside? These girls know how to giggle...whether they've told you the joke, made a rubbing statement about the fork you're eating with at the dinner table, picked out the movie or even if they were the ones to air tickle you. The older one is so quick with comments, comebacks and jokes that she fair to stuns all the members of her family. She should be quick...she got it from her momma. The younger one is following right along in her older sister's footsteps...giggling all the way! These fotos might help you to smile...and if you haven't enjoyed a real giggle in a while...you should. Giggling is good for your heart, health and your soul, afterall.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Beautiful Smile

Thought for the moment: what is your definition of "Beauty"? Do you associate it with a physical characteristic? Do you look for the definition on modeling shows? In Cosmo? Or are you the type of person who sees the beauty in everything? Wiki definition includes the idea that beauty is anything that resonates with personal meaning. What a profound idea. I have never heard it described like that. In that definition...nearly anything can be beautiful if it (or the person concerned) has a personal meaning to the beholder. The woman I fotoed for this session has the most beautiful smile. Full of laughter, life, enjoyment and playfulness. She has a sense of fun and she also rescues animals with her very tender heart. These fotos show that she deserves a foto shoot just to show her beautiful smile to the world. So many things are judged by the outside...it's a good thing that her smile is freely given on the outside!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mill House
Feels like traveling back in time...going to Yates Mill. The time-weathered wood, the large water wheel, the old grinding stones and old gears used to turn the wheels that now sit underneath the trees. Nevermind that it's now a beautiful county park...it is also a memorial to times gone by. To know that so many people brought their corn and grain here to be milled, it makes me wonder about the lives and hopes and dreams of all the footprints that are ingrained upon the land, stone and wood of this place. Back in a time when you bartered chickens, eggs, vegetables, milk, sewing and numerous other skills or crafts just to have the benefit of the mill. In a time when money is about the only thing that "talks", the ideas of trading for what you need is about as foreign an idea as apprenticing to learn a trade. Many of us learned the story of Johnny Tremaine in elementary or middle school. He worked for free with a silversmith to learn how to smith the silver. In exchange, he was given free room and board. In this present time, the concept of working for free to learn something is a lost "on-the-job" training. True, internships in college are rarely paid and in fact are a type of apprenticeship. However, they don't give you free room and board, either! So, as I stand on the slate, beside the waterfall, and watch the water turn the wheel that used to turn the gears that used to turn the grooved stone wheels that used to mill the corn and grain, I consider "If walls could talk..."
Bestie & Her Hubby
What could be better than to spend a truly gorgeous day at a really neat county park with my bestie and her hubby? Taking Fotos of said bestie and her hubby, OF COURSE!! Couple...a pair...two of a kind...lovers and friends...husband and wife. My bestie and her hubby are all of the above words. I have known them from the time they first started dating...that's when I met both of them. In the past years, I have watched them face life together. From commitment fears to family disapprovals to pressures of school, work and families. These two have faced all of it together. They exemplify numerous parts of a relationship that people seem to have forgotten...loyalty and support, love and understanding, problem solving and believing in the other person. No, they are not perfect...they have all the normal foibles that anyone person can have, but they believe in each other...they are each other's best friend. They support each other's dreams, jobs, schooling and lives. Every time I am around them, I see other nuances that I haven't seen before. They have cooked dinner, together, for me. They gave up a Sunday afternoon to let me Foto their love and laughter. I love watching them interact with each other. The teasing, the laughter, the love, all are parts of their relationship. And I love being around them. I am so glad to have both of them in my life. I love you R. & DJ. You certainly have your "W"...you are both Winners!
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