As my followers well know, I have been attempting to capture, however fleetingly, the beauty of hummingbirds...I finally feel that I have succeeded. After purchasing my newest lens, an AF Nikkor 50mm 1.8 (thanks to an endorsement from my friend Amanda), I spent most of today learning how to best use its talents. I am so happy with the Fotos I captured and wanted to showcase them to you. We have 9 hummingbird feeders hanging off the front porch where we can spend hours watching their dogfights and fun. They are so fascinating! After you sit outside for a few minutes, the hummingbirds become accustomed to your presence and then they begin to show off. I have had a hummingbird hover directly in front of me, chattering away and evincing his displeasure at the missing feeders that we were cleaning to refill at the time. Each year, we have between 50-75 hummingbirds migrate back to our front yard. Generation after generation...bringing the new generation with them as they return. The gentleman who previously owned the house told us that he has had hummingbird feeders hanging in the same spots for the previous 30 years...I guess that's why they know to come back now that we are the owners hanging them! So, this country morning, I was able to indulge my need for a Foto-Fix...which I have been sadly lacking the past 2 weeks due to a crushing work schedule. Fotoing enables me to relax and enjoy the beauty that God surrounds us with each day. I'm glad I took these moments to Foto-tize our hummingbirds since sometimes it feels like we are running around just as fast as the hummingbirds' wings are fluttering. Take your moments when you can...they will save your heart and life.
You did an absolutely beautiful job of catching the hummers! We really loved seeing your fotos.
OMG! These are amazing!!!! I knew you could do it :) I'm so impressed--i really love the DSC_0342. i looove all the different poses you got--wings folded, wings out, wings fluttering, sitting there, eating, playing, etc. I found it fascinating! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!
Way to go Beci! Glad you finally got them and you got to play with your new lens!
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